Giving Back

Trying to Save the World
About Service
I am deeply moved to give back and serve, recognizing the immense fortune I've had in my life. I am acutely aware that I stand upon the hard-won achievements of many - ancestors, fellow Americans, and global citizens alike - who devoted themselves to shaping a better future. Their sacrifices and foresight have laid the groundwork for the privileges I enjoy today.

This realization fuels my commitment to continue this legacy of positive change. While I am driven by ambitions to achieve great fortunes, build a lasting reputation, and venture into uncharted territories, I believe my true fulfillment lies in contributing to the future of humanity. To leave this world without having invested my time and resources in advancing the collective good would feel like an unfinished journey. I am compelled not just to succeed for myself, but to pave the way for future generations, ensuring that the ladder of opportunity remains strong and accessible for all who follow.
My Contributions
Throughout my tenure in local government, I developed a deep commitment to economic and community development. This passion didn't wane after leaving public service; rather, it found new avenues in my active involvement with three non-profit organizations, each contributing uniquely to this vital field.

At Momentus Capital, where I serve on the board, we're redefining inclusive community-building by ensuring equitable access to capital and opportunities. We're not just providing financial support; we're empowering entrepreneurs and organizations at every stage with a comprehensive blend of financial, knowledge, and social capital. Our goal? To overhaul outdated financial systems, fostering locally-led initiatives that propel economic mobility and generational wealth.

In my role with Connect San Diego, both as a board and executive committee member, I'm part of a team dedicated to nurturing Southern California's innovators and entrepreneurs. We provide them with critical access to investors, mentors, and education, with a special emphasis on preparing them for venture capital investment. An integral part of our mission is driving diversity in the tech and life sciences sectors, paving the way for more startups co-founded by underrepresented groups.

My third commitment is to Mohuman, where I'm on the board of a movement driving digital inclusion. Founded by Dr. Nishal Mohan in 2018, Mohuman empowers communities through technology, one connection at a time. We strive to ensure that every individual and community can access the internet and digital services, unlocking their full potential.

Beyond these organizations, I have also been a mentor with SD2, which connects underrepresented students to STEM opportunities. My formal mentoring role may have concluded, but the relationship with my mentee continues, as does my connection with SD2.Additionally, I actively mentor early-stage companies, guiding them in product development, government navigation, AI and data strategy, and business operations. This allows me to directly impact the next generation of innovators, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to succeed.
My journey with Momentus Capital began in 2013, during my time at the fintech startup Figtree Financing. While working on a financing deal involving a solar project and an SBA 504 loan, I crossed paths with Kurt Chilcott. Although we couldn't close that particular deal, this interaction opened my eyes to Kurt's impressive work and his history as the Economic Development Director for the City of San Diego.

Fast forward a few years, and I found myself walking a similar path as San Diego's Economic Development Director, overseeing projects like the redevelopment of Liberty Station, many of which were initiated by Kurt. It was during this time that Kurt invited me to join the board of CDC Small Business Finance.

As Kurt approached retirement, we embarked on an ambitious endeavor: the merging of Capital Impact, CDC Small Business Finance, Ventures Lending Technologies, and Momentus Securities into the newly branded Momentus Capital. This strategic consolidation stemmed from a shared realization: despite being the country’s largest SBA 504 small business lender, the efforts of CDC, coupled with the governmental initiatives I had been part of, were not enough to bridge the persistent generational wealth gap in America.

Momentus Capital was born from the need for an organization that not only possessed the mission and resources but also the comprehensive programs necessary to start closing this gap. Our vision is to build stronger, equitable communities by expanding access to capital and opportunities. We provide a plethora of finance programs nationwide, including a 504 lending program, Community Advantage 7a and SBA microloans, business advisory services, and a for-profit investment bank focusing on equity investments.

Serving on the board of Momentus Capital is more than a role; it's a continuation of my lifelong commitment to economic development and bridging wealth gaps. What we're achieving at Momentus Capital is not just changing the business landscape; it's picking up the mantle of the work I began in government, striving to create a world where generational wealth is accessible to all. This, for me, is the true essence of changing the world.
Momentus Capital
Game Changer