Metropolis IQ

Being a Co-Founder / CEO
Embracing the CEO Journey: My Personal Insights
I won't delve into what Metropolis IQ does here—you can explore that on another page. Instead, I want to share what it means to me to be a CEO. Becoming a CEO has been a lifelong aspiration. Throughout my career in both government and the private sector, I've been driven by the goal of reaching the C-suite. The journey has been rewarding, but starting my own company revealed new dimensions of leadership that I hadn't fully anticipated. Running a small company is an all-encompassing role. It's not just about steering the ship; it's about being on the deck, in the engine room, and even swabbing the decks when necessary. As a CEO, you wear many hats, and every team member, including the CEO, must roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. Vacations become working vacations, and flexible working hours often translate to working all the time. Yet, there's a profound satisfaction in this challenge. The romanticized image of a CEO as the captain of a ship holds true in many ways, but it also involves navigating through storms, charting new courses, and ensuring every crew member is safe and thriving. Being a CEO is about resilience, adaptability, and relentless pursuit of your vision. It's about leading with empathy, making tough decisions, and inspiring your team to reach new heights. Despite the hardships, the role is incredibly fulfilling, offering a unique blend of strategic oversight and hands-on involvement. This journey has taught me that true leadership is not just about the title but about the impact you make and the legacy you leave behind. For anyone aspiring to be a CEO, remember that it's about passion, perseverance, and the willingness to embrace every challenge that comes your way.
My Contributions
As the CEO of Metropolis IQ, my primary responsibilities include being the face of the company, driving sales, and ensuring that all business functions—sales, marketing, legal, product development, and research—align with our strategic vision. Even with a small team, these duties keep me incredibly busy. In a small company, versatility is key. Besides being the CEO, I serve as a board member and president, managing our finances and investor relations. I also lead product development and R&D, often diving into coding and designing new product features myself. This multifaceted role is immensely rewarding but also challenging. There's a constant balancing act, and it can feel like there's never enough time to give each responsibility the attention it deserves. However, the excitement and satisfaction of contributing to every aspect of the company's growth make it all worthwhile. Leading a small team means being deeply involved in every process, from high-level strategy to hands-on development. It's about fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, where every team member's contribution is valued and impactful.Despite the challenges, the opportunity to shape the company's direction and witness our progress firsthand is incredibly fulfilling. Each day brings new challenges and learning experiences, reinforcing my commitment to our mission and vision.
Metropolis IQ Technology
CEO / President
Dec 2023- present
Deciding to commit to a startup full-time wasn't a spur-of-the-moment choice. Initially, my plan was to recruit a CEO to run the company while I financed it and contributed part-time. However, life has a way of shifting our perspectives. When the project I was working on with my former employer got defunded, it created a unique opportunity. Suddenly, the risk of diving into a startup didn't seem as daunting as it did just a few months earlier. Major life changes can alter your view of risk, pushing you to take steps you might have previously avoided. For me, this was a turning point. Embracing this opportunity and taking the helm as CEO propelled our company forward faster than if I had remained just an investor. It was a decision driven by necessity and passion, showing that sometimes, unexpected changes can lead to remarkable growth. This journey has been transformative. It taught me that with every challenge comes a hidden opportunity. By stepping into the role of CEO, I immersed myself in every facet of the company, driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and leading our team toward success. Taking that leap of faith was one of the best decisions I've made. It reinforced the idea that sometimes, the greatest opportunities arise from the most unexpected situations. If you're willing to embrace change and face challenges head-on, you can achieve incredible things.